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Chapter Highlights

We celebrated our chapter’s 100th anniversary in 2022. It was a grand event and we were honored to have present Michigan State Organization, NSDAR Regent, Kelly VanWormer, and Michigan Senator Kim LaSata.

Chapter members take great pride in our adopted cemetery, The Old Centreville Cemetery in Centreville, Michigan, located just a few miles north of the town of Sturgis. With permission from the local authorities, and hands-on training provided by several historic preservation of cemetery workshops, the chapter has had the privilege to clean, straighten, restore, and repair dozens of headstones.

We are honored to participate in many local parades and community events. Including Covered Bridge Days in Centreville. Every year we host ice cream and pie eating contests, give cemetery tours and enter a float in the annual parade. We march in other local parades as well and proudly carry the 13-star and our current 50-star U.S. flags and of course, our members enjoy dressing in colonial and other period outfits.

We collect items every meeting for our area VA Hospital. Every November our chapter celebrates our local area women veterans by hosting an annual luncheon in their honor.

Picture taken in 2022 – Front row – State Regent Kelly VanWormer (right), Michigan Senator Kim LaSata (left) Amos Sturgis Chapter, NSDAR, Regent, Jo Cherry (center) with 100th Anniversary certificate.